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January 2005 Hit Event

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2nd Annual HIT Event

Peachtree Peebs

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Welcome To My Home Page
Arooooooooooooo, My name is General Beauregard. I was born May 27, 2000 at Goose Creek Kennels. I am a Petit Basset Griffon Vandeen, but most people call me a PBGV or a Peeb. My hoomans are John and Aimee Murphy. My hooman brother and sister are Thomas and Amanda. My bestest buddy is my big brother beagle named Rush. We live in Augusta, Georgia. Please look around and enjoy my site. Come back often because there will be regular updates.
Recent Site Updates and Enhancements
This site went online January 13, 2001.

Last Update January 31, 2005 

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